Monday, October 17, 2005

mummified grapes embalmed in chocolate

If you eat a pound of them at once, you will get a tummy ache. This is non-negotiable. In fact, it's highly probable that you could eat less than a pound and still come out the other end feeling queasy. However, the full pound was immediately accessible and there was just no resisting their juicy, chocolate covered siren song. Yes, even songs can be covered in chocolate. Ought to be covered in chocolate. Except maybe Blue Suede Shoes. You know what I mean.

What's really amazing however is that as dried and shrivelled as a raisin is-- or as is more often the case these days, mummified using sulphur dioxide-- they still taste juicy. Thinking this to be a crafty raisin subterfuge, I pointed the magical internet search engine to raisin juice. My mother always warned me to stop googling my juice. Obviously, I never listened.

Well, apparently, there actually is such a thing as raisin juice. It is in most regards uninteresting except for the fact it actually exists. To be fair though it is touted as an alternative sweetener as well as rich source of B vitamins. Do the bees know?

A more intresting notion albeit one that leads to worry is this plump little bit of raisin trivia gleaned from it takes 4 lbs. of grapes to make 1 lb. of raisins. This means that someone-- who shall for the sake of argument remain nameless-- consumed as much sugar as can be had in 4 lbs. of grapes. This excludes the sugar content of the chocolate chocolate coating. At this point I must interject that deleting the word chocolate is an emotionaly charged venture so the accidental if not subconscious repetition shall remain unedited. In any event, it's hardly any wonder I had a tummy ache. 4 lbs. of grapes is undoubtedly larger than a human head-- if not nearly the size of a small baby. Some of you knew that was coming.

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