Thursday, September 28, 2006


I'm always saying how it's a tragedy that someone doesn't make moonshoes for adults. Whenever I'm stressed and have the sudden urge to bounce around in moonshoes and learn to play the ukelele my dreams are shattered when I discover that the weight limit on the moonshoes is somewhere between toddler and super-model. I suspect if someone came and stripped all of the meat from my bones, just my brain and bones alone would weigh more than that.

The next best thing perhaps to moonshoes is the pogo stick. Pogo mind you is one of those acquired tastes like cigars, cognac or Linda Ronstadt. I am pleased to announce however that there is a new player... none other than the Flybar Elastomeric-Spring Pogo Stick. The latest accessory in the Elastomeric-Spring fashion line-up. As long as we're hyphenating.

Who needs moonshoes when you can pogo to the moon, mars, and beyond? Watch out Hubble, I've got a digital camera and I'm on my way to space via Elastomeric-Spring Propulsion.

Click the pick to jump!